CT | Ref nt | Alt nt | Mutation type | Impact | Gene name | Ref aa | Alt aa | aa position |
Protein length |
Function |
CT9 | A | C | Missense | Moderate | L_00407 | Ser | Arg | 22 | 470 | Putative ATPase, hypothetical protein |
A | C | Missense | Moderate | L_00407 | Asn | Thr | 282 | 470 | Putative ATPase, hypothetical protein |
G | T | Missense | Moderate | L_00640 | Pro | Thr | 513 | 844 | Translation initiation factor IF-2 |
A | C | Stop lost | High | L_00728 | Ter | Ser | 229 | 228 | Outer membrane protein P1, long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter |
T | C | Missense | Moderate | L_01000 | Asn | Asp | 59 | 137 | Phage GP46 family protein, hypothetical protein |
A | G | Missense | Moderate | L_01011 | Ser | Pro | 91 | 101 | Putative uncharacterized protein, putative protein |
C | A | Missense | Moderate | L_01014 | Glu | Asp | 131 | 161 | Phage virion morphogenesis protein |
T | C | Missense | Moderate | L_01016 | Asn | Asp | 521 | 546 | Putative uncharacterized protein, hypothetical protein |
TG | CA | Missense | Moderate | L_01016 | Lys | Glu | 514 | 546 | Putative uncharacterized protein, hypothetical protein |
CT76 | AGGA | AA | Frameshift | High | L_00010 | Gly | FS | 140 | 258 | Hypothetical protein |
A | C | Missense | Moderate | L_00404 | Lys | Thr | 413 | 1046 | Outer membrane receptor protein, putative Fe transport, hemoglobin/ hemoglobin-haptoglobin binding protein B |
CT | CTCGAT | Frameshift and stop lost |
High | L_00626 | Ter | FS | 168 | 167 | Outer membrane protein P1, long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter |
T | C | Noncoding transcript |
Modifier | L_00890 | rRNA | |||||
A | C | Missense | Moderate | L_00973 | Tyr | Asp | 345 | 366 | Outer membrane protein P2 precursor |
C | T | Missense | Moderate | L_00973 | Gly | Ser | 93 | 366 | Outer membrane protein P2 precursor |
A | C | Missense | Moderate | L_01164 | Gln | Pro | 288 | 704 | Guanosine-3',5'-bis 3'- pyrophosphohydrolase |
C | T | Missense | Moderate | L_01164 | Pro | Leu | 402 | 704 | Guanosine-3',5'-bis 3'- pyrophosphohydrolase |
T | A | Noncoding transcript |
Modifier | L_01171 | rRNA | |||||
A | T | Noncoding transcript |
Modifier | L_01171 | rRNA | |||||
T | G | Missense | Moderate | L_01757 | Ser | Ala | 322 | 366 | Histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase 2 |
nt, nucleotide; Ref, reference; Alt, alternative; aa, amino acid; FS, frameshift. The CT9 strain P589 contained each SNV; P590 contained none of them, it was used as reference. CT76 strain P666 contained each SNV; P665 contained none of them, it was used as reference.