Culture-dependent algorithm. Green, definitive identification; yellow, inconclusive identification; a, Strockbine et al. (32); b, manufacturer's protocol for Shigella antisera set 1, as per Denka Seiken, Sun et al. (41, 43), and Carlin et al. (44); c, Bopp et al. (13); d, O28ac, O29, O42, O96, O112ac, O115, O121, O124, O135, O136, O143, O144, O152, O159, O164, O167, O173, and O untypeable; e, if Shigella serotype has a known relation to E. coli O type, identification is Shigella [species] [serotype]; see Ewing (31), Cheasty and Rowe (45), Liu et al. (39), and Perepelov et al. (42).