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. 2018 Sep 25;9:3903. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06423-7

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

mLN SCs modulate subset composition and transcriptional signature of resident DCs. Indicated LNs were transplanted to the popliteal fossa of SPF-housed mice. Eight to sixteen weeks later, single cell suspensions were generated by enzymatic digestion. ad Single cell suspensions were analyzed using flow cytometry. a Exemplary dotplot of viable Lin cells from transplanted LN. (b) Exemplary dotplot of subsets from resDCs and migDCs from indicated LNs. cd Scatterplot shows frequencies of indicated subsets among migDCs (c) and resDCs (d); data pooled from two to three independent experiments (n = 12–16). e resDCs were isolated from indicated LNs. RNA-seqL and subsequent analysis was performed. Colored numbers in scatterplots represent DEGs for the respective pair-wise comparisons of resDCs (|log2(FC)| ≥ 1 and q-value ≤ 0.05). On the x-axis log2FC of gene expression from resDCs (endogenous LNs) is plotted. On the y-axis log2(FC) of gene expression from resDCs of transplanted mLN-SPF vs. pLN-SPF is plotted. f Heatmap of expression of genes persistently down- (pink dot, left) or up-regulated (blue dot, right) in resDCs isolated from transplanted mLN-SPF. Numbers in brackets indicate average log2(RPKM) expression of respective genes across all experimental groups. Data pooled from two to three independent experiments (n = 3–8). migDC migratory dendritic cell (LinCD11c+MHCIIhigh), resDC resident dendritic cell (LinCD11chighMHCII+), Lin CD3+CD45R+Ly6G+F4/80high, FC fold-change, RPKM reads per kilobase of exon length per million mapped reads, Endo endogenous, Tx transplanted