Fig. 6.
Anterograde mapping of contralateral projections in dunnarts reveals a conserved interhemispheric connectome. (A–F) In-pouch electroporated neurons are shown in the left hemisphere and their axon terminals in the right hemisphere in six different cases. Homotopic targets are shown with arrowheads, and Insets show heterotopic terminals in the contralateral motor/cingulate cortex. To reveal the cell bodies and their axons, the hemispheres have different brightness/contrast levels in A–C and F. AON/OB, anterior olfactory nucleus/olfactory bulb; FrA, anterior frontal cortex; PRh/Ent, perirhinal/entorhinal cortex; S1/M, primary somatosensory/motor cortex; S2/Aud, secondary somatosensory/auditory cortex. (Scale bar, 1 mm.)