Fig. 2.
Atomic scale lattice structural characterization. Inversed ABF images of LFO1–SNO4 with zone axis along (A) [1-10] and (B) [001] directions. (A and B, Right) Magnifications of a selected region (Top), simulated ABF-STEM images (Middle), and structural models of bulk SNO (Bottom) for comparison. (C) 2D mapping of antipolar A-site motions (Φ) in LFO1–SNO10. The Φ mapping is overlaid on a HAADF image from which the angle Φ is calculated. The profile of (D) antipolar motion (Φ), (E) octahedral tilt (β), and (F) out-of-plane lattice parameter c for LFO1–SNO4 (red) and LFO1–SNO10 (blue). (D–F, Top) The corresponding schematic view of chemical profiles with black (NGO), green (LFO), and purple (SNO).