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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Sep 24.
Published in final edited form as: Dev Cell. 2018 Aug 16;46(6):751–766.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.07.015
Mouse monoclonal anti-ZO-1 Thermo Fisher Cat No. 33–9100
Mouse monoclonal anti-zns-2 DSHB AB 531907
Rabbit polyclonal anti-GFP Thermo Fisher A-11122
Goat polyclonal anti-GFP (Venkiteswaran et al., 2013)
Sheep polyclonal anti-mCherry Covance, this paper
Donkey anti-Goat 488 Thermo Fisher A-11055
Goat anti-Rabbit 488 Thermo Fisher A-11034
Donkey anti-Rabbit Cy3 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat No. 711–166-152
Donkey anti-Goat Cy3 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat No. 705–166-147
Donkey anti-Sheep 647 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat No. 713–606-147
Donkey anti-Mouse Cy3 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat No. 715–166-150
Donkey anti-Mouse 647 Jackson Immunoresearch Cat No. 715–606-150
Sheep anti-DIG AP Sigma Aldrich SKU 11093274910
Bacterial and Virus Strains
NEB 5-alpha New England Biolabs Cat No C2987H
sw105 (Warming et al., 2005)
Biological Samples
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
NBT Sigma Aldrich SKU 11383213001
BCIP Sigma Aldrich SKU 11383221001
Digoxigenin-labeled nucleotides Sigma Aldrich SKU 11277073910
Trizol Thermo Fisher Cat No 15596026
Paraformaldehyde Sigma Aldrich SKU P6148–500G
Proteinase K Sigma Aldrich SKU P6556–1G
Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma Aldrich SKU A8022–50g
Methycellulose Sigma Aldrich SKU 1424506–1G
Glycerol Sigma Aldrich SKU G7893–1L
Tricaine (Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulfonate) Sigma Aldrich SKU E10521– 50G
Low melt agarose (AquaPor HR) National Diagnostics Cat No EC-205 (100g)
Rhodamine 6G Fischer Scientific Cat No AC419010050
Alexa Fluor 594 Carboxylic Acid, tris(triethylammonium) salt Thermo Fisher A33082
BsrI New England Biolabs R0527S
Hpych4v New England Biolabs R0620L
AciI New England Biolabs R0551S
ApoI New England Biolabs R0566L
Taqαi New England Biolabs R0149L
Brefeldin A Sigma Aldrich B7651–5MG
Critical Commercial Assays
Thermoscript Reverse Transcriptase Thermofisher 11146–024
TOPO TA cloning Thermofisher Cat No K461020
mMessage mMachine T7 kit Thermofisher AM1344M
mMessage mMachine SP6 kit Thermofisher AM 1340
Deposited Data
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
fgf3/liat24149 (Herzog et al., 2004)
fgf10a/daetbvbo° (Norton, 2005)
cldnb:lyn2GFP (Haas and Gilmour, 2006)
hsp70:dn-fgfr1 (Halloran et al., 2000)
dusp6:d2EGFP (Molina et al., 2007)
Tcf/Lef-miniP:dGFP (Shimizu et al., 2012)
cdh2:cdh2-sfGFP-TagRFP (Revenu et al., 2014)
cxcr4b:cxcr4b-Kate2-ires-GFP-CAAX (Venkiteswaran et al., 2013)
fgfr1a/spdt3R705H (Rohner et al., 2009)
prim:lyn2mCherry this paper
hsp70:anos1b this paper
hsp70:sec-mCherry this paper
hsp70:fgf10a this paper
fgf10a: GFP-fgf10a this paper
fgf10a:secGFP this paper
anos1a:GFP-anos1a this paper
cxcr4b:H2A-mCherry this paper
anos1ad5 this paper
anos1ad7 this paper
anos1bd5 this paper
Anos1bd79 this paper
For DNA oligonucleotides, see Table S1
atoh1a morpholino: 5’- ATCCATTCTGTTGGTTT GTGCTTTT-3’ Gene Tools Custom synthesis
Recombinant DNA
pCRII Thermo Fisher Cat No K461020
pDest-hsp70-SV40pA-tol2 (Kwan et al., 2007)
CH211–262I10 (fgf10a BAC) BACPAC Resources Center
CH211–267B13 (anos1a BAC) BACPAC Resources Center
DKEY-169F10 (cxcr4b BAC) Source Bioscience
Golden Gate tAlEN and tAl Effector Kit 2.0 Addgene ID 1000000024
Software and Algorithms
Prism 7 Graphpad
FIJI (ImageJ v1.48)