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. 2018 May 2;34(19):3258–3264. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty353

Table 2.

Cluster size optimized with respect to ARI

Methodsa Complete linkage
Single linkage
#cluster ARI #cluster ARI #cluster ARI #cluster ARI
CS 27 0.300 311 0.467 18 0.365 32 0.374
E2 44 0.193 284 0.280 79 0.216 43 0.215
EC 44 0.193 284 0.280 80 0.237 35 0.205
JA 14 0.315 300 0.458 30 0.428 22 0.373
JS 58 0.379 244 0.459 22 0.417 25 0.415
KL 13 0.361 244 0.460 32 0.453 36 0.418
MH 16 0.318 332 0.450 31 0.432 37 0.332

The abbreviations of distance measures are as follows. CS, Cosine; E2, Euclid2; EC, Euclid; JA, Jaccard; JS, Jensen-Shannon; KL, Kullback-Leibler and MH, Manhattan.