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. 2018 Sep 12;2018:1462802. doi: 10.1155/2018/1462802

Table 3.

Clinical alterations and the toxicity of cisplatin in mice.

sex, N
R cisplatin dose TP BUN
end M histology and other comments Ref.
BALB/c MTD iv D2-4 ns ns D10 0% Histology: proximal tubular epithelial necrosis observed not earlier than D6 - D10;   
D4: ↓GFR; Urine: ↑proteins, glycosuria,
female 7 mg/kg D6 ns ns
N=3-8 D10 ns ns

BALB/c female ip 8 mg/kg D4 ns ns D4 0% Histology: not evaluated

C57BL/6J 20-25g ip 10 mg/kg D1 24 ±17 ns 1.4 ± 0.5 ns D4 0% Histology: D2 rare changes, D3-D4 evident loss of brush border, pyknotic nuclei, vesicles, Ultrastructure: changes in mitochondria from D1 [44]
Jax male D2 44 ±10 ns 1.9 ± 0.9 ns
N=6 D3 105 ±9 12.7 ±1.2
D4 228 ± 18 22.4 ±1.8

Harlan, UK
ip 7.5 mg/kg    D4   1.6x ns   1.2x ns   D4   0%   ↓BW (4.4±5%); histology: not evaluated    [103]
10 mg/kg D4 ↑4x ↑3.1x D4 0% ↓BW (15.3±11%), histology: moderate ATN: degradation of the brush border, loss of cell-cell adhesion, cellular vacuolation and sloughing of cellular material into lumen   
12.5mg/kg D4 ↑5x ↑3.6x D4 HEP BW (↓27±1%), systemic toxicity

C57BL/6 8-12 wk ip 15 mg/kg D5 n.a. 4.7 ± 0.5 D5 12%   Histology: all survived mice (7/8) had severe ATN although one had normal Cr levels (6/7);  
survived mice: ↓BW (19.5%), lack of grooming, lethargy, high morbidity, ↓WBC
USA female (6/7) (1/8)

C57BL/6 male ip 15 mg/kg D5 ↑4x n.a. D5 55%   ↓BW (24%), histology: severe ATN: extensive tubular necrosis, loss of the epithelial brush- border, presence of protein casts in the lumen  
mice began dying on day 3
Harlan 6-8 wk (6/11)

C57BL/6 11-15wk ip 15 mg/kg D2 ns n.a. D10 100% Histology: not evaluated  
D4:↓BW (20-30%);
mice began dying on day 5
Japan male D3 4x 2x

Swiss Male ip D3 ↑3x ↑10x D3 0% Histology: not evaluated  
Kidney:↓SOD, CAT, GPx, ↓GSH, ↑MDA
albino 6-7wks 10 mg/kg
(India) N=6

Swiss female ip 12 mg/kg D3 ↑4x ↑4x D3 0% Histology: severe ATN; marked necrosis in proximal tubules  
Kidney:↓SOD, CAT, GPx; ↓GSH, ↑MDA
albino 6wks
(India) N=6

ip 7.5 mg/kg  D3-5 ↑ns ns 0 Preliminary experiment to determine cisplatin dose   [118]
10 mg/kg D3  
31.7±2.9 ns  
53.8 ± 4.2
0.88±0.02 ns  
1.74 ± 0.43 ns
D5 0 dose- and time-dependent elevation of BUN and Cr
12.5mg/kg D3  
52.2 ± 8.3  
88.9 ± 18.8  
131.8 ± 22
2.01 ±0.53
D5 0 15 mg/kg resulted in marked BW loss at d5;
15 mg/kg D3  
63.8 ± 17.2  
158 ± 77  
225 ± 41
2.32 ± 0.59  
2.49 ± 0.59
D5 HEP 12.5 mg/kg was chosen. Histology: severe ATN: focal necrosis of the proximal tubules throughout the cortex, hyaline casts in tubular lumen, desquamation, and parenchyma degeneration of the tubular epithelium cells

FVB/n N=10 ip 4 x 7 mg/kg D25 ns ns D25 0% Histology: evident loss of brush borders, tubular dilation, less tubular necrosis, evident inflammatory cells and interstitial fibrosis (red Sirius)  
Urine: ≈KIM-1, ↑NGAL
Jax per week
4 x 9 mg/kg D25 ns ns D25 90%
per week

High lethal dose – severe systemic toxicity

BALB/c 6-8wk ip 25 mg/kg D1 ns ns D3 0%  [70]
South male D2 ↑2x ↑2x D4 80% 
Korea N=11 D3 ↑4x ↑4x D5 100%

BALB/c 6-8wk ip 40 mg/kg D1 185 ± 22 2.4 ±0.48 D1 20%  [70]
South male D2 60% 
Korea N=21 D3 100%

Nephrotoxicity and antitumor activity in mice with cancer

BALB/c 8 wk ip 11.5 mg/kg D4 70±42 1.6 ± 0.6 D7 0-12% Histology: ATN (dose dependent)
nephrotoxicity and antitumor activity
(Harlan) female 13 mg/kg D4 130 ± 38 4.5 ± 1.0 D7 0-50%
N=8 14.5 mg/kg D4 175±52 5.8 ± 0.7 D7 100%
16 mg/kg D4 232 ± 40 6.4 ± 1.0 D7 nr
19 mg/kg D4 275 ± 26 6.9 ± 0.2 D7 nr

C57BL/6 female iv 7x 1mg/kg  
every other 
D18 n.a. n.a. D18 0/8 Low-dose cisplatin  
no changes in the BW  
Antitumor activity

C57BL/6 female 
iv 7x 5mg/kg every other day D18 n.a. n.a. D18 4/8 High-dose cisplatin  
15-30% BW loss,
antitumor activity (experiment was stopped when mice started dying)

N: number; M: mortality; R: route of injection; TP: time point; n.a.: not analyzed; ip: intraperitoneally; iv: intravenously; sc: subcutaneously; D: day; ≈: ns; ↓: decrease; ↑: increase; BUN: blood urea nitrogen; Cr: serum creatinine; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; ATN: acute tubular necrosis; HEP: humane endpoint (animals were humanely euthanized due to severe illness). Animals receiving high dose of cisplatin exhibited systemic toxicity as demonstrated by significant weight loss in excess of 25% of their starting bodyweight, requiring termination of the experiment on day 4 [103].