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. 2018 Sep 12;2018:7521351. doi: 10.1155/2018/7521351

Table 1.

Diabetes status versus baseline demographic and clinical characteristics among stroke patients admitted at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

Had Diabetes P-value
No(N/%) Yes(N/%)

Male 142(64.25) 48(45.71)
Female 79(35.75) 57(54.29) 0.002
Mean Age (SD) years 57.63(0.99) 61.48(1.29) 0.018
PMHx Hypertension
Yes 155(70.14) 86(81.9) 0.0237
No 66(29.86) 19(18.1)
Swallowing test
Pass 161(72.85) 70(68.57) 0.472
Failed 60(27.15) 35(31.43)
Had speech abnormalities
No 112(50.68) 48(45.71) 0.40
Yes 109(49.32) 57(54.29)
Mean systolic BP (SD) mmHg 152.29(2.22) 156.74(3.43) 0.266
Mean diastolic BP (SD) mmHg 93.03(1.36) 91.47(2.30) 0.536
Normal 48(21.72) 20(19.05) 0.683
Fever 173(78.28) 85(80.95)
Haemorrhagic Stroke 103(46.61) 29(27.62) 0.004
Ischaemic Stroke 108(48.87) 71(67.62)
Other 10(4.52) 5(4.76)
Yes 59 (26.7) 26 (24.76) 0.710
No 162(73.3) 79 (75.24)
>60ml/hr/1.73m2 163(78.52) 75(71.43) 0.758
<60ml/hr/1.73m2 58(21.48) 30(28.57)
Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.48(0.11) 5.10(0.17) 0.065
LDLc (mmol/L) 3.55(0.10) 3.24(0.15) 0.094
HDLc (mmol/L) 1.60(0.14) 1.38(0.06) 0.149
Triglycerides (mmol/L) 1.97(0.53) 1.30(0.08) 0.208
Uric Acid (umol/L) 345.93(11.99) 345.78(15.24) 0.994
Random Blood Glucose (mmol/L) 6.84(0.15) 10.43(0.52) <0.001
Fasting Plasma Glucose (mmol/L) 5.91(0.11) 8.29(0.30) <0.001

BP: blood pressure, eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate, LDLc: low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and HDLc: high density lipoprotein cholesterol.