An example illustrating possible signaling roles of tryacylglycerol oxidation products (oxidatively truncated species) in mouse DCs grown in the presence of tumor explant supernatants. (A) A schema illustrating the major pathways leading to the formation of oxidatively truncated products from triacylglycerols containing 9-hydroperoxy-linoleic acid. (B) DC grown in TES accumulate higher levels of oxidatively truncated TAG than DC grown CM. Typical LC-MS spectra of TAG obtained from dendritic cells grown in CM (control CM) (a) and dendritic cells grown in TES (EL4 murine tumor cells) (b). Scatter plot of changes in the levels of TAG species in DC exposed to TES EL4 murine tumor cells (log2 [fold-change] vs. significance −log10 [p-value]) (n = 3) (c). The amount of various oxidatively truncated TAG molecular species containing 9-ONA in control dendritic cells and dendritic cells treated with TES (d). The data present as mean ± SD, n = 3, *p = 0.023 and **p = 0.006 versus control. MS/MS analysis revealed the presence of truncated TAGs at m/z 738.6242, m/z 766.6557, and m/z 792.6870 containing oxidatively truncated (9-ONA)—16:0/16:1/9-ONA; C16:0/C18:1/9-ONA; and C18:1/C18:1/9-ONA, in dendritic cells exposed to TES. 9-ONA, 9-oxo-nonanoic acid; CM, complete media; Lp-PLA2, lipoprotein phospholipase A2; TAG, triacylglycerols; TES, tumor explant supernatant. To see this illustration in color, the reader is referred to the web version of this article at