Figure 2.
Fatty acid biosynthesis in brown adipocytes is not required to maintain euthermia. (A) Western blots of BAT lysates from control and UCP1-Cre-FASNKO mice after 1 week at 6 °C. Indicated are FASN, UCP1, and tubulin protein as loading control. (B) Core temperature in acute cold challenge (6 °C), starting from room temperature in control, UCP1-Cre-FASNKO and UCP1-knockout mice. (C) Total body weight and (D) brown adipose tissue depot weight after cold exposed at 6 °C for 1 week. (E) Representative H&E images of BAT from control and UCP1-Cre-FASNKO mice cold-exposed at 6 °C for 1 week. (F) Western blots of iWAT lysates from control and UCP1-Cre-FASNKO mice cold exposed at 6 °C for 1 week. (G) Inguinal adipose tissue mass from control and UCP1-Cre-FASNKO cold exposed at 6 °C for 1 week. Graphs show the mean +/− SEM. N = 5–7 mice per group.