gender |
is the gender of the author in question as predicted by Genni 2.0 [27, 34, 35]. Each author is labeled as one of the following: Female, Male, or Unknown. |
age(pub count) |
is the age of the author as measured by the number of papers published in the years prior to the article in question. |
ethnicity |
is the ethnicity of the author as predicted by Ethnea [34]. Each author can have one (or a mixture of two, equally weighted) of the following ethnicities: ARAB, CHINESE, DUTCH, ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, HISPANIC, INDIAN, ITALIAN, JAPANESE, KOREAN, NORDIC, OTHER, SLAV, and UNKNOWN. |
country |
is the country of affiliation of the first-listed author on the article in question, as inferred by MapAffil [41, 42]. Each article is assigned one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Other, Spain, Sweden, UK, Unknown, or USA. |
collabortion size |
is the number of authors on the article in question, capped at 20. |
language |
is 1 if the article was written in English as tagged in MEDLINE [43], 0 otherwise. |
reference count |
is the total number of references listed on the article in question. |
MeSH count |
is the number of MeSH terms (and all their unique ancestors in the MeSH tree structure) as assigned in MEDLINE. |
novelty score |
is the number of prior papers for the youngest MeSH term assigned to the article in question (the so-called “volume novelty” in [44, 45]). |
pub type |
is the publication type(s) of the referenced article as tagged in MEDLINE [43]. Each article can have one or more of following: “journal article”, “case report”, “review article”, and “letter/editorial/comment”. |
venue |
is encoded by indicating whether the article and its reference were published in the same or similar journal as captured by the exact name match and the implicit journal score [46] which is similar to author odds ratio [47]. |
timelag |
is the difference in publication years between the articles in question and its reference |
ref. language |
is 1 if the referenced article was written in English as tagged in MEDLINE [43], 0 otherwise. |
ref. citation count |
is the number of citations received by the referenced article prior to the citation in question. |
ref. MeSH count |
is the number of MeSH terms (and all their unique ancestors in the MeSH tree structure) assigned to the referenced article. |
ref. novelty score |
is the number of prior papers for the youngest MeSH term assigned to the referenced article (the so-called “volume novelty” in [44, 45]). |
ref. pub type |
is the publication type of the referenced article as tagged in MEDLINE [43]. Each article can have one or more of following: “journal article”, “case report”, “review article”, and “letter/editorial/comment”. |