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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2018 Oct;22(4):340–347. doi: 10.1097/LGT.0000000000000437

Table 1:

HIV-infected young MSM and transwomen in Atlanta, GA 2009–2016, Baseline demographic, behavioral and clinical information

Characteristics, N (%) N=314
 African American 297 (95%)
 Other 17 (5%)
Education, N=305
 High School or Less 164 (54%)
 College 141 (46%)
Gender identity
 Cisgender male 307 (98%)
 Transwoman 7 (2%)
Gender of sex partners
 Men only 240 (76%)
 Men and women 74 (24%)
 Live with parents/extended family members 157 (50%)
 Live with a friend 82 (26%)
 Live with a romantic partner 11 (3%)
 Live alone 40 (13%)
 Homeless 24 (8%)
Age at coitarche, yr, N=246, Mean ± SD 14.5 ± 3.3
Intercourse practices
 Both Insertive and Receptive 225 (72%)
 Receptive only 77 (25%)
 Insertive only 12 (4%)
Number of lifetime sexual partners, N=266
 1 to 5 52 (20%)
 6 to 10 68 (26%)
 11 to 20 38 (14%)
 >21 108 (41%)
History of
 Sexual abuse, yes, N=229 75 (33%)
 Participation in transactional sex, yes, N=179 35 (20%)
 Rectal sexually transmitted infections (STIs), yes, N=303 153 (51%)
 Marijuana use, yes 189 (60%)
 Marijuana and alcohol use, yes 152 (48%)
 Tobacco use, yes, N=218 122 (56%)
 Other drug use (cocaine, MDMA etc) 43 (14%)
History of external anal warts, N=288
 Yes 130 (45%)
 No 158 (55%)
Number of HPV vaccines
 0 272 (87%)
 1 19 (6%)
 2 7 (2%)
 3 16 (5%)