Figure 8.
Analysis of cadmium sensitivity conferred by expression of cacao NRAMP genes in yeast. Yeast strain DY1457 carrying TcNRAMP1, 2, 3, 5, 5s (splice variant of TcNRAMP5), 6 or empty vector pDR195 (EV) were cultured on synthetic defined (SD)-Ura plates and liquid medium (b) in absence or presence of different concentration of CdCl2. The plates were incubated at 30 °C for 3 days (a). For growth assay in liquid medium (b) the cells were grown at 0.001 OD600 for 72 h at different concentrations of CdCl2 as indicated in the figure. (c) Yeast strain DY1457 expressing TcNRAMP5, 6 or empty vector pDR195 (EV) were grown in SD-Ura liquid medium supplemented with 2 μM CdCl2 for 72 h. The Cd2+ accumulation in the cells was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (iCAP™ Q ICP-MS). Data are means ± SD of three biological replicates.