Attractor shape changes are embedding delay dependent. (A) Attractors from PT02 shown at 4, 52, 1000, and 2500 ms. The shape change in the attractor is not observed at higher embedding delays. We tested whether our attractor characterization analyses correlated with embedding delay. We computed correlation dimension and ellipse radius ratio (ERR) at 10 different delays from 4 to 2500 ms. (B) No significant changes in correlation dimension were observed from before to after LOR for any embedding delay nor was correlation dimension correlated with the embedding delay. Here we show results from the 3D correlation dimension calculation. (C) We observed a significant correlation between the ERR and embedding delay (rspearman = 0.17, p = 0.04) and a significant difference in the ERR between pre- and post-LOR for 4 ms and 8 ms delays (p4 = 0.017 corrected, p8 = 0.04 corrected). The ∗ indicates a significant difference between the measured values before and after loss of response at that embedding delay at p < 0.05 corrected.