Fig. 2.
PcoA analysis of the MAF using only blood group antigens with a minimal allele frequency of 0.1% or higher, across all head quarter locations of the participating BTS. Genetic blood group profiles of samples collected from BTSs headquartered in Sion, Lugano, Aarau, Geneva, and Chur cluster far away from the other Swiss regions investigated. Except for Aarau, this overlaps well with local languages spoken and geographical profiles of the other headquarters representative of the respective cantons (table 2). All but Sion, Geneva and Lugano are located in a region with a German language profile (beside some areas of Graubünden, with its capital Chur, and its inhabitants, still cultivating Raetho-Romanic language). Additionally, Lugano, Chur and Sion are clearly separated from the other areas investigated by the Swiss Alps, reaching maximal altitudes of up to 4,634 m above sea level in Switzerland (fig. 1).