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. 2018 Sep 20;10:3687–3696. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S175470

Table 1.

Correlation of TRIM21 expression and clinical features of patients with breast cancer

Variable Cases (n) TRIM21
Low expression High expression
Tumor size (cm) 0.016
≤3 75 26 (34.7%) 49 (65.3%)
>3 94 50 (53.2%) 44 (46.8%)
LN metastasis 0.341
No 69 28 (40.6%) 41 (59.4%)
Yes 100 48 (48.0%) 52 (52.0%)
ER 0.003
Negative 90 50 (55.6%) 40 (44.4%)
Positive 79 26 (32.9%) 53 (67.1%)
PR 0.069
Negative 87 45 (51.7%) 42 (48.3%)
Positive 82 31 (37.8%) 51 (62.2%)
Her2 0.005
Negative 138 55 (39.9%) 83 (60.1%)
Positive 31 21 (67.7%) 10 (32.3%)
Ki67 0.659
Negative 81 35 (43.2%) 46 (56.8%)
Positive 88 41 (46.6%) 47 (53.4%)
Histologic grade 0.073
I 16 4 (25.0%) 12 (75.0%)
II 107 46 (43.0%) 61 (57.0%)
III 46 26 (56.5%) 20 (43.5%)
Clinical stage 0.001
I 67 37 (55.2%) 30 (44.8%)
II 87 28 (32.2%) 59 (67.8%)
III 15 11 (73.3%) 4 (26.7%)



Chi-square test.

Abbreviations: ER, estrogen receptor; Her2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; LN, lymph node; PR, progesterone receptor; TRIM21, tripartite motif- containing protein 21.