Fig. 2.
The lipid II–nisin complex in cellular membranes. a Comparison of 1H-detected 2D 15N–1H spectra of lipid II-bound nisin in native M. flavus membranes (magenta) and in DOPC (cyan). The gray spectrum shows nisin non-specifically bound to DOPG:DOPC liposomes (7:3 ratio) in the absence of lipid II. b Overlay of 2D 15N–1H spectra of lipid II-bound nisin acquired in zwitterionic DOPC (cyan) and anionic DOPG:DOPC (7:3 ratio) (pink) liposomes. c Overlay of 2D 15N–1H spectra of lipid II-bound nisin acquired in C18:1 DOPC (cyan) and C14:1 DMoPC (pink) liposomes. d 1H/2H exchange: 2D 15N–1H spectra of lipid II-bound nisin acquired in DOPC in fully protonated (cyan) and deuterated (red) buffers. e 15N R1rho relaxation rates of lipid II-bound nisin acquired in DOPC. The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the fit. f Differential 15N T1rho times comparing dynamics in C18:1 DOPC and C14:1 DMoPC liposomes. g 1H/2H ssNMR exchange results. Dark and light blue beads represent residues that showed complete and intermediate exchange in deuterated buffers, respectively. Residues S29/I30 and U33/K34 could not be analyzed due to spectral overlap and fast dynamics, respectively