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. 2018 Sep 21;9:1355. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01355



Generation and analysis of transgenic plants. Agrobacterium-infected calli were placed on selection medium containing 200 mg L−1 hygromycin (A). The hygromycin-resistant calli were exposed to regeneration (B). The regenerated plants were growing in soil (C). HPT gene was detected in transgenic plants by using PCR (D) and DNA blot hybridization (E). M indicates DNA marker; P indicates plasmid containing CdtNF-YC gene; and WT indicates wild type (WT). Relative expression of CdtNF-YC was detected using real time quantitative RT-PCR, and Actin gene was used as a reference (F). Means of three replicates and standard errors are presented; the same letter above the column indicates no significant difference at P < 0.05.