Table 1.
Detailed information for the 17 sampled populations of the sect. Populus species that were adopted for Data analysis using SSR and Geometric morphology.
Species | Pop | Individuals | Lon (N) | Lat (E) | Alt (m) | CS | Vouchers |
P. davidiana | 1 | 21 | 111.2848 | 38.21627 | 1467 | Lvliang, SX | LiuJQ-MZL-2013-117 |
2 | 8 | 111.3395 | 38.14662 | 1587 | Lvliang, SX | LiuJQ-MZL-2013-121 | |
3 | 6 | 112.3880 | 38.92512 | 1402 | Qizhou, SX | LiuJQ-MZL-2013-109 | |
4 | 10 | 112.0744 | 38.8556 | 1855 | Qizhou, SX | LiuJQ-MZL-2013-115 | |
5 | 8 | 111.4328 | 37.8976 | 1961 | Lvliang, SX | LiuJQ-MZL-2013-124 | |
6 | 9 | 111.2637 | 37.203483 | 1459 | Lvliang, SX | LiuJQ-MZL-2013-136 | |
P. ningshanica | 7 | 8 | 105.249 | 32.74979 | 657 | Longnan, GS | LiuJQ-SHX-2015-20 |
8 | 1 | 107.1394 | 32.60744 | 865 | Hanzhong, SaX | LiuJQ-SHX-2015-14 | |
9 | 3 | 106.0741 | 33.55506 | 768 | Hanzhong, SaX | LiuJQ-SHX-2015-10 | |
P. wulianensis | 10 | 10 | 121.7556 | 37.2983 | 188 | Yantai, SD | LiuJQ-ZL-2016-300 |
P. adenopoda | 11 | 5 | 108.8565 | 28.1423 | 798 | Tongren, GZ | MaoKS-CX-2014-326 |
12 | 5 | 109.1866 | 28.2958 | 643 | Tongren, GZ | MaoKS-CX-2014-327 | |
13 | 5 | 108.7551 | 28.3148 | 707 | Tongren, GZ | MaoKS-CX-2014-328 | |
14 | 18 | 105.3035 | 32.5254 | 598 | Guangyuan, SC | LiuJQ-ZF-2016-01 | |
15 | 10 | 117.8054 | 30.4742 | 677 | Liuan, AH | LiuJQ-ZF-2016-02 | |
16 | 17 | 117.9531 | 30.5850 | 26 | Chizhou, AH | LiuJQ-ZF-2016-03 | |
17 | 19 | 110.3215 | 32.6738 | 683 | Shiyan, HB | LiuJQ-ZF-2016-04 |
Abbreviations: Pop, Population; Lon (N), Longitude; Lat (E), Latitude; Alt (m), Altitude; CS, Collection site. SX, Shanxi; GS, Gansu; SaX, Shaanxi; SD, Shandong; GZ, Guizhou; SC, Sichuan; AH, Anhui; HB, Hubei.