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. 2018 Sep 10;(108):117–129. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.108.25600

Table 1.

Detailed information for the 17 sampled populations of the sect. Populus species that were adopted for Data analysis using SSR and Geometric morphology.

Species Pop Individuals Lon (N) Lat (E) Alt (m) CS Vouchers
P. davidiana 1 21 111.2848 38.21627 1467 Lvliang, SX LiuJQ-MZL-2013-117
2 8 111.3395 38.14662 1587 Lvliang, SX LiuJQ-MZL-2013-121
3 6 112.3880 38.92512 1402 Qizhou, SX LiuJQ-MZL-2013-109
4 10 112.0744 38.8556 1855 Qizhou, SX LiuJQ-MZL-2013-115
5 8 111.4328 37.8976 1961 Lvliang, SX LiuJQ-MZL-2013-124
6 9 111.2637 37.203483 1459 Lvliang, SX LiuJQ-MZL-2013-136
P. ningshanica 7 8 105.249 32.74979 657 Longnan, GS LiuJQ-SHX-2015-20
8 1 107.1394 32.60744 865 Hanzhong, SaX LiuJQ-SHX-2015-14
9 3 106.0741 33.55506 768 Hanzhong, SaX LiuJQ-SHX-2015-10
P. wulianensis 10 10 121.7556 37.2983 188 Yantai, SD LiuJQ-ZL-2016-300
P. adenopoda 11 5 108.8565 28.1423 798 Tongren, GZ MaoKS-CX-2014-326
12 5 109.1866 28.2958 643 Tongren, GZ MaoKS-CX-2014-327
13 5 108.7551 28.3148 707 Tongren, GZ MaoKS-CX-2014-328
14 18 105.3035 32.5254 598 Guangyuan, SC LiuJQ-ZF-2016-01
15 10 117.8054 30.4742 677 Liuan, AH LiuJQ-ZF-2016-02
16 17 117.9531 30.5850 26 Chizhou, AH LiuJQ-ZF-2016-03
17 19 110.3215 32.6738 683 Shiyan, HB LiuJQ-ZF-2016-04

Abbreviations: Pop, Population; Lon (N), Longitude; Lat (E), Latitude; Alt (m), Altitude; CS, Collection site. SX, Shanxi; GS, Gansu; SaX, Shaanxi; SD, Shandong; GZ, Guizhou; SC, Sichuan; AH, Anhui; HB, Hubei.