Figure 5.
Contribution plot and classification performance of 10 metabolites derived via sPLS-DA from PD/PPD/Control subjects. (a) Glutamic Acid continues to provide the major contribution to the classification performance of this preliminarily annotated 10-metabolite panel. (b) A similar ROC AUC is obtained in new discovery with these data as had been obtained using the subacute TBI biomarker panel’s 9 preliminarily annotated common metabolites (see Figure 4). Of interest, the only common metabolite between these results and those from the TBI panel is Glutamic Acid. Comp = sPLS-DA model component. TBI = traumatic brain injury. PD = Parkinson’s disease. PDD = PD dementia. ROC AUC = receiver operating characteristic area under the curve. LysoPE = lysophosphatidylethanolamine. SO = sulfoxide. TG = triglyceride. P = phosphatidylcholine. Final metabolite identifications will require additional tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analyses. Metabolites confirmed via MS/MS are considered fully validated, to a high degree of confidence.