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. 2018 Sep 17;35:381–393. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.08.024

Table 3.

Transgenic mouse models for bile duct defects, cholestasis and cholangiopathies.

Disease Gene Phenotype Ref
Alagille syndrome Jag1dDSL/+ Jag1dDSL/+ pups were recovered at lower than expected frequencies (35% rather than 50%). No jaundice at any stage.
Large decrease in Sox9+ ductal plate cells (>95%) at E18, a 75% reduction in bile ducts at P3-P7, and ductular reaction at P30, which is partially rescued in Jag1dDSL/+Rumi+/− (Poglut1) mice.
Jag1dDSL/+Rumi+/−(back-crossed to C57BL/6 J background for >10 generations)
Jag1dDSL/+Lfng+/− No phenotype at birth, though all double heterozygous mice and Jag1dDSL/+ alone were recoved at lower than expected frequencies.
Massive bile duct proliferation in adult Jag1dDSL/+Lfng+/− and Jag1dDSLRfng+/− mice.
Small but significant increase in number of bile ducts in adult Jag1+/−Mfng+/−mice.
Jag1dDSL/+Mfng+/− (back-crossed to C57BL/6 J background)
Jag1dDSL/+Notch2del1/+ (mixed C57BL/6 J × 129S1/SvImJ background) Half of Jag1dDSL/+Notch2del1/+mice die the first week after birth. Jaundice at P3. Absence of bile ducts. [96]
Jag1Ndr/Ndr (mixed C3H x C57bl6 background) Ca 10% of Jag1Ndr/Ndrmice survive to postnatal day 10. Pups show delayed bile duct development, bile duct dysmorphology and cholestasis. 5% survive to adulthood, these show rescue of cholestasis with persistent bile duct dysmorphology. On a pure C3H background, Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice are embryonic lethal. ([51]; [47])
Jag1loxP/dDSL; Alfp-Cre Partially penetrant (50%) bile duct proliferation in conditional/null Jag1 mice. [97]
Jag1lox/lox;SM22-Cre Jag1 is required in portal vein mesenchyme (Sm22-expressing) rather than endothelial cells or hepatoblasts. Absence of Jag1 from portal vein mesenchyme results in a failure to from bile ducts and postnatal jaundice. ([5]; [97])
Notch2del1/del1 (mixed C57BL/6 J × 129S1/SvImJ background) No bile ducts at p0. Later analyses precluded by kidney-related postnatal lethality. [96]
Notch2loxp/del2Alb1-Cre Jaundice at P3, focal necrosis in liver. Scattered cholangiocytes but no bile ducts at P7. [48]
Notch2lox/lox;AlbCre Defective ductal plate remodeling, biliary cells present, but absence of bile ducts. Portal inflammation, fibrosis, bile duct dilation, and proliferation. [98]
RbpjloxP/Δ;Foxa3-Cre or Fewer ductal plate cells at E16.5 and P0, and fewer bile ducts at P0 in RbpjloxP/Δ;Foxa3-Cre mice. When RBPj is deleted later, using AFP-Cre, there is a less severe reduction in peri-portal ductal cells, but similarly reduced number of bile ducts at postnatal stages. [99]
Rbpjloxp/loxpHnf6loxp/loxpR26ZG+/+Alb1-Cre Bile ducts absent at postnatal stages, adult conversion of hepatocytes to cholangioytes driven by Tgfβ rescues the biliary tree. [54]
Sox9loxp/loxp;Alfp-cre Delayed ductal plate remodeling. Normal bile ducts by the age of 5 weeks. [100]
Arthrogryposis, renal dysfunction and cholestasis (ARC) syndrome Alfp-Cre; Vps33bloxp/loxp Cholestasis and fibrosis. [101]
ARPKD Pkhd1ex40 (Fibrocystin/polyductin) Bile duct cysts [102]
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease & Caroli syndrome
Bile duct proliferation, progressive bile duct enlargement and portal fibrosis.
Bilirubin clearance normal.
PLD-ADPKD: Polycystic liver disease associated with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease Pkd1+/− Late onset liver cysts (27% with liver cysts at 9–14 months, 87% in older mice) [103]
TPK1 and TPK3 mice (transgenic mice expressing ¨30 extra copies of human PKD1, as well as TSC2)
Liver cysts in aged heterozygous mice (>19 months). Homozygous mice are embryonic lethal.
Liver cysts by 4 weeks of age.
Inflammation, bile duct proliferation, and liver cysts.
Hypomorphic mice
¨20% of Pkd2WS26/wS25 mice display liver cysts between 4 and 10 weeks of age.
Biliary atresia Sox17−/−
SRY-related HMG-box 17
Smaller liver, inflammation, extraheptic bile duct stenosis and atresia. [109]
Sox17 is required in gallbladder rather than hepatoblasts
Autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease pCx-Cre;Prkcshloxp/loxp Liver cysts. [110]
Primary biliary cholangitis Dominant negative TGF-βRII (driven by CD4 promoter lacking the CD8 silencer) Liver fibrosis and bile duct destruction. [111]
Onset is delayed by IL-12p35 deletion. [113]
IL-12p40 deletion protects against liver inflammation in Dn TGF-βRII mice. [114]
Dn TGF-βRII IL-12p35 −/−
Dn TGF-βRII IL-12p40 −/−
Primary biliary cholangitis IL-2Rα−/− Portal inflammation and biliary ductular damage. [115]
Primary biliary cholangitis/ Sjögrens syndrome
Compared to IL-2Rα −/− mice alone, worsened portal inflammation and bile duct damage, but reduced colitis in IL-2Rα−/−IL12-p40−/−mice. [116]
NOD.c3c4 mice Autoimmune polycystic destructive cholangitis, granuloma formation, and eosinophilic infiltration in addition to extrahepatic bile duct effects. ([117]; [118])
Ae2a,b−/− Partially penetrant portal inflammation and bile ducts destruction (4/11 mice with severe or moderate inflammation). [119]
Cl(−)/HCO(3)(−) anion exchanger 2 (AE2)
Scurfy mice (Foxp3sf mutant) Portal inflammation and bile duct destruction. [120]
Faslpr/lpr Portal inflammation and cholangitis of small intrahepatic bile ducts. [121]
MRL (genetic background)/lpr (lymphoproliferation) mice
Primary sclerosing cholangitis Mdr2−/− Sex-dependent liver disease. Inflammation and ductular reaction in large portal tracts. Fibrosis and bile duct destruction. ([122]; [123]; [124])
(Abcb4 or ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 4)
CDH1loxp/loxp; Alb-Cre (CDH1ΔL, Liver-specific E-cadherin knockout) Periportal inflammation and periductal fibrosis leading to liver tumors. [125]
Krt19-Cre; CDH1loxp/loxp E-cad is required primarily in bile ducts rather than hepatocytes to avoid cholestasis.
Adenovirus-Cre; CDH1loxp/loxp
Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (PFIC2) Abcb11 (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 11, aka sister of P-glycoprotein (Spgp) or bile salt export pump (BSEP)) Altered hepatocyte canalicular morphology and bile salt secretion defects, but mild/no cholestasis overall. [126]
Cholic acid diet in these mice induces severe cholestasis, bile duct proliferation and cholangitis.
PFIC-like inherited cholestasis Atp11c Cholestasis which is worsened on a cholic acid diet. [128]
ATPase Phospholipid Transporting 11C
Hyperbilirubinemia at postnatal stages that resolves with age.
Cystic fibrosis liver disease Cftr−/− Hepatosteatosis, focal cholangitis, and bile duct proliferation. Focal biliary cholangitis in aged (1 year) mice. [130]
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
Oral dextran induction of colitis induced greater bile duct injury with inflammation and bile duct proliferation.
Erythropoietic protoporphyria fch/fch (ferrochelatase mutation) Bile duct proliferation and biliary fibrosis. [132]
General liver inflammation and liver fibrosis Fra-1 overexpression driven byhistocompatibility complex class I antigen H2-Kb(H2) promoter (Fra-1tg) mice & Fra-1tgrag2−/− Portal inflammation, ductular proliferation and biliary fibrosis. Fibrosis was attenuated but not completely rescued by Rag2 deletion. [133]
Canaliculi and bile duct development defects Lkb1loxp/loxp; Alb-Cre Altered hepatocyte canalicular morphology and poorly formed/absent bile ducts [134]
Ctnnb1loxp/loxp; Foxa3-Cre Decrease in overall liver size and bile duct paucity [135]
Role of bile duct innervation M3-R−/− (muscarinic 3 receptor) Decreased bile flow but no liver injury or cholestasis. However, 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) feeding induced more severe liver injury with obstruction of bile ducts by porphyrin plugs. [136]
Zellweger spectrum disorder (includes liver fibrosis) Pex1G844D (peroxisomal biogenesis factor 1) Bile deposits and bile duct proliferation (?) [137]