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. 2018 Sep 28;362:k3802. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k3802

Table 1.

The ORBIT (Outcome Reporting Bias In Trials) classification system for missing or incomplete outcome reporting in benefit outcomes. Figure 1 uses these classifications5

ORBIT classification Description Level of reporting Risk of bias*
Clear that the outcome was measured and analysed
 A Trial report states that outcome was analysed but only reports that result was not significant (typically stating P>0.05) Partial High risk
 B Trial report states that outcome was analysed but only reports that result was significant (typically stating P<0.05) Partial No risk
 C Trial report states that outcome was analysed but insufficient data were presented for the trial to be included in meta-analysis or to be considered to be fully tabulated Partial Low risk
 D Trial report states that outcome was analysed but no results reported None High risk
Clear that the outcome was measured
 E Clear that the outcome was measured. Judgment says outcome likely to have been analysed but not reported because of non-significant results None High risk
 F Clear that the outcome was measured. Judgment says outcome unlikely to have been analysed None Low risk
Unclear whether the outcome was measured
 G Not mentioned but clinical judgment says likely to have been measured and analysed but not reported on the basis of non-significant results None High risk
 H Not mentioned but clinical judgment says unlikely to have been measured at all None Low risk
Clear that the outcome was not measured
 I Clear that the outcome was not measured NA No risk

NA=not appropriate.


Risk of bias arising from the lack of inclusion of non-significant results when a trial was excluded from a meta-analysis or not fully reported in a review because the data were unavailable.