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. 2018 Sep 10;10(9):365. doi: 10.3390/toxins10090365

Table 2.

In vitro assays for identification and/or quantification of scorpion venoms.

Target Sample Model Technology Amount Injected/Route Time after Injection Amount Detected (Normalized) Detection Limit Reference
Tityus venom Serum Human (n = 40) Sandwich ELISA Sting ND * 0.1 ng/mL [36]
Serum Mice (n = 10) Sandwich ELISA 1 µg/s.c 0.5 h * 0.1 ng/mL
Serum Human (n = 56) Sandwich ELISA Sting ND * 4.8 ng/mL [19]
Serum Human (n = 19) Sandwich ELISA Sting 1.5 h 2.14–50 ng/mL ND [18]
Serum Human (n = 205) Sandwich ELISA (Strep-Biot) Sting 0.5–6.0 h 0.09–202 ng/mL 0.09 ng/mL [38]
Androctonus and Buthus venom Serum Human (n = 180) Sandwich ELISA Sting 5 to 4.8 h GI-0.9 to 4.2 ng/mL 0.9 ng/mL [21]
GII-3 to 16 ng/mL
GIII-13 to 38 ng/mL
Centruroides venom Serum Human (n = 3) Sandwich ELISA Sting 50 min–5.2 h 8.2–29.7 ng/mL 1 ng/mL [40]
Urine ~490 min–8.2 h 9.0 ng/mL
Mesobuthus venom Skin exudate Mice (n = 6) Reverse passive Arthus reaction (RPA) 100 μg/s.c 45 min Detectable in ≈ 84.4% ND [42]

Abbreviations: s.c: subcutaneous; ND: not determined; Strep-Biot: streptavidin-biotin; GI: grade I envenomation (mild); GII: grade II envenomation (moderate); GIII: grade III envenomation (severe); *: could not be determined in reference article.