Algorithm 1: FDHE-IW
Inputs: D (s1, s2, …, sN,
C)—the given data set with N + 1 columns; si denotes the values of the ith SNP locus for all samples. T—the candidate size; θ—the threshold of the G-test p-value; k—the number of SNPs in a k-way SNP combination; and K—the number to find the SNP combinations based on a seed SNP. Outputs: SNP combinations (SC)—the k-way SNP combinations that are associated with disease status. |
Calculate the for each SNP.
For i = 1 to N do
End For
Search a k-way SNP combination based on the interaction weight.
Select a SNP locus with a maximumvalue.
Search SNP combination based on interaction weight
m = 1
While m < K || // to find K k-way SNP combinations based on
< k //
is the SNPs number in S.
For i = 1 to |F| do // |F| denotes the SNPs number in F.
// Calculate interaction weight between si and Fa:
// Update the weight coefficient.
// calculate relevance between and phenotype (C)
End For
// Select out the SNP that has maximum relevance with C in F.
// remove SNP from F.
End While
// Store the found SNP combination S into SC as a candidate solution.
m = m + 1
End While
If the size of SC is less than T
go to step (3) to find new k-way SNP combination that are associated with disease status.
Statistical test
Perform G-test statistic for each SNP combination in SC.
Output the k-way SNP combinations with a p-value < θ