t-test results of the reading test of DTRS of the two groups: mean, SD, t-value and p-value. SD = standard deviation, FCOR = number of words correctly read in flash mode, FINCORCOR = number of words incorrectly read in flash mode, FHESIT = number of words hesitating read in flash mode, FSILL = number of words syllabicating read in flash mode, UCOR = number of words correctly read in untimed mode, UINCOR = number of words incorrectly read in untimed mode, UGDIFF = number of words read with great difficulty in untimed mode, NR = number of words not read, RTFCOR = averaged reading time of words correctly read in flash mode, RTFINCORCOR = average reading time of words incorrectly read in flash mode, RTFHESIT = average reading time of words hesitating read in flash mode, RTFSILL = average reading time of words syllabicating read in flash mode, RTUCOR = average reading time of words correctly read in untimed mode, RTUINCORCOR = average reading time of words incorrectly read in untimed mode, RTUGDIFF = average reading time of words read whit great difficulty in untimed mode.