Position of target sites and primers on BnWRKY11 and BnWRKY70 and physical maps of the T-DNA regions of Cas9/sgRNA constructs. (A,B) the target sites for BnWRKY11 and BnWRKY70 respectively and the primers for the amplification were shown as well. Tgt1-Tgt3 means the chosen target sites, the locations of target sites are marked with black arrows; primers are shown in red arrows. (C) Physical maps of the T-DNA regions of Cas9/sgRNA constructs. LB/RB, left/right border of T-DNA; P35S:Cas9, Cas9 gene which driven by CMV35S promoter; P35S:KanR, NTP gene which driven by CMV35S promoter. AtU3/AtU6, Arabidopsis U3/U6 promoter.