Figure 3.
FeCl-FLG Photodetectors. (a) laser-defined p-p’ junction in FeCl-FLG device, is the charge neutrality point and is the Fermi level; (b) scanning photocurrent () maps before (top) and after (bottom) laser-irradiation along the white dashed lines. Red dashed lines delimit the FeCl-FLG flake, laser wavelength was . Adapted and reprinted with permission from De Sanctis et al. [14], under CC-BY license from AAAS, 2017; (c) schematic of a multi-terminal hexagonal-domain FeCl-FLG photodetector and measurement circuit; (d) photocurrent (, top) and charge density (, bottom) extrapolated from the corresponding maps (right panels); green shaded areas represent maxima and minima of the photocurrent which correspond to a change in charge density. Reproduced with permission from De Sanctis et al. [70], under CC-BY license from IOP Publishing Ltd. (Bristol, UK), 2017.