Table 3.
The Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment.
Author (Year) | Selection Bias | Performance Bias | Detection Bias | Attrition Bias | Reporting Bias | Other Bias | |
Random Sequence Generation | Allocation Concealment | Blinding of Participants and Personnel | Blinding of Outcome Assessment | Incomplete Outcome Data | Selective Reporting | ||
Chibnall et al. (2005) [29] | Unclear | Unclear | Low | Low | Low, 2 of 25 participants did not complete the RCT | Low | Unclear, very small sample size, 1 care home, support from the manufacturer of the medicine investigated. |
Baker et al. (2008) [15] | High | High | High, no attempt to blind | Unclear | Unclear, no information | Moderate, no information on adverse effects | High |
Morad et al. (2012) [30] | Low | Unclear | High, no information | High-patients and recovery staff were not blinded. | Unclear, 6/34 and 9/34 were excluded for Protocol violations. | High, per protocol not intention to treat analysis | Unclear, very small sample size, single centre |
Hajimaghsoudi et al. (2013) [31] | Low | Unclear, no information | High, open label | High, open label | Unclear, no information | Unclear, missing data due to patient non-compliance | Unclear |
Park et al. (2015) [32] | Unclear | Unclear | High, open label | Unclear | Moderate, 10/80 participants lost in each arm. No reasons given. | Low, all adverse events were reported | Unclear |