Treatment with SA4503 increases BDNF protein level in AtrxΔE2 mouse brain. (A) Representative immunoblot of mouse medial prefrontal cortex lysates probed with the indicated antibodies (top panel). Densitometry analysis of indicated proteins to β-tubulin (arbitrary units; (A.U.)) (bottom panel). * p < 0.05, versus vehicle-treated WT mice; ## p < 0.01, versus vehicle-treated AtrxΔE2 mice by one-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s test; F (3, 16) = 13.7 in BDNF; n = 5 mice each. (B) Real-time RT-qPCR showing total BDNF mRNA (using exon IX primers) expression in mouse medial prefrontal cortex lysates. BDNF mRNA were determined relative to Gapdh mRNA. n = 5 mice for each group. The experiments were repeated two times with similar results. (C) Representative images of cultured cortical neurons at DIV5 with the mitochondrial-specific marker, MitoTracker Red. Images in the right panels are enlarged from the corresponding boxed areas. Scale bars: left panels, 50 µm; right panels, 3 µm. (D) Data show the mitochondrial length (left) and the roundness index (right); n = 20 cells each. Abbreviations: Veh., vehicle; SA, SA4503.