PaCS-filled blebs, ectosomes, and autophagic vesicles in myeloid-leukemia cells. Human bone-marrow biopsy showing a myeloid-leukemia cell with several cytoplasmic and bleb-filling PaCSs, one of which is enlarged in the top-left inset to show typical barrel-like particles and FK1 antibody pUbPs reactivity. In addition, note, in the bottom center of the cell, the detaching PaCS-bearing blebs forming extracellular ectosomes and, in the top-mid part of the cell, many autophagic vesicles. In the top-right inset, an autophagic vesicle from another myeloid-leukemia cell shows a distinctive double membrane enveloping a remnant of a small PaCS (asterisk), some ribosomes (free or attached to ER cisternae), and a mitochondrion (m).