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. 2018 Sep 18;15(9):2036. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15092036

Table 1.

Study sample characteristics.

Total White Asian Other
Characteristic n % (n)
or mean (sd)
n % (n)
or mean (sd)
N % (n)
or mean (sd)
N % (n)
or mean (sd)
TAA-PNC * (particles/cm3) 409 22,000 (6500) 178 20,000 (4900) 149 24,000 (7900) 82 21,000 (5000)
ln[(TAA-PNC) (particles/cm3)] 409 9.9 (0.35) 178 9.8 (0.28) 149 10.0 (0.43) 82 9.9 (0.27)
SBP (mmHg) 409 137.5 (19.5) 178 133.9 (18.3) 149 141.2 (20.6) 82 138.9 (18.8)
DBP (mmHg) 409 77.7 (10.3) 178 76.2 (10.7) 149 77.3 (9.3) 82 81.9 (10.4)
PP (mmHg) 409 59.8 (16.5) 178 57.6 (14.9) 149 63.9 (18.4) 82 57.1 (15.1)
Hypertension 409 63.8 (261) 178 55.6 (99) 149 69.8 (104) 82 70.7 (58)
Age (years) 409 61.5 (12.8) 178 59.8 (11.3) 149 66.6 (13.4) 82 56.0 (11.3)
BMI (kg/m2) 393 27.7 (6.8) 168 29.5 (6.9) 149 24.1 (4.1) 76 30.6 (7.7)
ln[light/moderate physical activity (min/week)] 374 4.3 (2.2) 164 3.8 (2.3) 147 5.1 (1.6) 63 3.5 (2.3)
Female 409 59.2 (242) 178 59.6 (106) 149 56.4 (84) 82 63.4 (52)
Smoker status 398 176 145 77
Current 21.1 (84) 22.2 (39) 14.5 (21) 31.2 (24)
Former 30.7 (122) 43.2 (76) 15.9 (23) 29.9 (23)
Never 48.2 (192) 34.7 (61) 69.7 (101) 39.0 (30)
Fruit and vegetable consumption ≥ 7x/week 275 38.2 (105) 125 48.0 (60) 97 30.9 (30) 53 28.3 (15)
Fried food consumption ≥ 1x/week 405 33.8 (137) 176 45.5 (80) 149 14.8 (22) 80 43.8 (35)
Educational Attainment 409 178 149 82
< HS 34.2 (140) 11.2 (20) 61.7 (92) 34.2 (28)
HS 31.8 (130) 36.5 (65) 24.2 (36) 35.4 (29)
>HS 34.0 (139) 52.3 (93) 14.1 (21) 30.5 (25)
Born in the USA 404 45.5 (184) 174 86.8 (151) 149 0.0 (0) 81 40.7 (33)
Statin Medications 400 29.0 (116) 176 31.3 (55) 144 29.2 (42) 80 23.8 (19)
Hypertension medications 400 45.0 (180) 176 35.8 (63) 144 54.2 (78) 80 48.8 (39)
Diabetes 399 20.3 (81) 175 17.7 (31) 144 18.8 (27) 80 28.8 (23)

* Time-activity-adjusted particle number concentration. Italics indicate variable levels.