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. 2018 Sep 8;10(9):1268. doi: 10.3390/nu10091268

Table 1.

Description of individual characteristics of included and excluded participants.

Included Excluded p-Value
N 25,772 1426
Sex 0.0005
Men 6966(27.03) 326(22.86)
Women 18,806(72.97) 1100(77.14)
Age, years 56.05 ± 14.49 56.07 ± 15.13 1.0
Educational level 0.05
Primary 4657(18.07) 311(18.18)
Secondary 3377(13.10) 274(16.01)
Post-secondary 17,671(68.57) 1096(64.06)
Missing 67(0.26) 30(1.75)
Occupational activity 0.02
Managerial staff 5806(22.53) 358(25.11)
Others 19,876(77.12) 1062(74.47)
Missing 90(0.35) 6(0.42)
Monthly income per household unit 0.3
<900 € 1851(7.18) 103(7.22)
900 €–2700 € 13,053(50.65) 665(46.63)
>2700 € 7353(28.53) 409(28.68)
Missing 3515(13.64) 249(17.46)
Marital status 0.3
In couple 17,989(69.80) 971(68.09)
Single/divorced/widowed 6785(26.33) 390(27.35)
Missing 998(3.87) 65(4.56)
Household composition 0.7
Adults only 18,254(70.83) 994(69.71)
Adults and young children 3792(14.71) 222(15.57)
Adults and teenagers 1700(6.60) 94(6.59)
Adults and young children and teenagers 1033(4.01) 51(3.58)
Missing 993(3.85) 65(4.56)
Smoking status 0.8
Non-smokers 12,490(48.46) 687(48.18)
Former smokers 9253(35.90) 514(36.04)
Smokers 3033(11.77) 159(11.15)
Missing 996(3.86) 66(4.63)
Body Mass Index (BMI), kg/m2 0.002
<18.5 1245(4.83) 92(6.45)
18.5–24 15,667(60.79) 892(62.55)
25–30 6216(24.12) 320(22.44)
≥30 2561(9.94) 114(7.99)
Missing 83(0.32) 8(0.56)
Self-estimated diet quality a
Very healthy diet 2960(11.49)
Healthy diet 21,665(84.06)
Unhealthy diet 1054(4.09)
Very unhealthy diet 93(0.36)
Self-estimated nutrition knowledge level a
I am very knowledgeable about nutrition 3585(13.91)
I am somewhat knowledgeable about nutrition 14,137(54.85)
I am not very knowledgeable about nutrition 7304(28.34)
I do not know anything about nutrition 746(2.89)
Grocery shopping involvement a
No 1898(7.36)
Yes 17,002(65.97)
Shared task 6872(26.66)

a Excluded participants did not answer to these questions.