Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of full-length env sequences of viruses isolated from Q2VOA, rebound plasma SGA, and rebound PBMC outgrowth cultures from 3 out of 7 participants (9242, 9243 and 9252) that rebounded before week 30 (9241, 9244, 9247 and 9246 are depicted in Extended Data Fig. 7). Open and closed black rectangles indicate Q2VOA-derived viruses from week −2 and week 12, respectively. Viruses obtained at the time of rebound are indicated by red rectangles (plasma SGA) and red stars (rebound PBMC outgrowth cultures). Asterisks indicate nodes with significant bootstrap values (bootstrap support ≥ 70%). Clones are denoted by colored lines mirroring the colors of slices in Extended Data Fig. 10a. Boxes indicate IC80s (µg/ml) of 3BNC117 and 10–1074 against representative viruses throughout the phylogenetic tree and clones, when possible (Supplementary Table 4). Asterisks in boxes indicate IC100 values of > 50 μg/ml.