Table 2. . The Cancer Genome Atlas genomic classification of glioblastoma multiforme.
Subtype | Biomarker | Signature | Major alterations | Treatment response |
Classical | Neuroembryonic stem cell | Astrocytic | EGFR, CDKN2A/2B and PTEN | Good |
Mesenchymal | Mesenchymal markers | Astroglial | NF1, PTEN, CHI3L1 and MET | Modest |
Proneural | Oligodendrocytic development genes | Oligodendrocytic | TP53, PDGFRA or PI3KCA/PIK3RI, IDH1 and PTEN | Poor or no response |
Neural | Neural markers | Neuronal and astrocytic | EGFR | Marginal |
The Cancer Genome Atlas classification reveals four clinically relevant subtypes based on the genomic profiles of glioblastoma multiforme and their correlations with biomarker expression, cellular lineages and response to standard aggressive chemoradiation therapy.
Data taken from [28].