Figure 8. Region-level summary statistics across all species.
Betweenness centrality is a measure of the number of paths that pass through a certain region; a high score suggests potentially important multi-generation connectivity pathways. In-degree and out-degree refer to the amount of a node’s incoming and outgoing connections. Betweenness centrality, in-degree, and out-degree have all been normalized to values between 0 to 1 per species. Local retention is measured as the proportion of larvae that settled back to their spawn site out of all larvae spawned at that site. Source-sink index is a measure of net export or import; negative values (blue) indicate a net larval sink, while positive values (red) indicate a net larval source. White indicates that a site is neither a strong source nor sink. Gray values for Cellana spp. denote a lack of suitable habitat sites in that particular region.