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. 2018 Sep 28;6:e5676. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5676

Table 4. ANOVA table for the RPQ using Person (P) ×  Item (I) ×  Occasion (O) design with interactions (n = 145).

Variance Components
Source SS df MS Random Mixed Correcteda % SEb
P 2,984.61 144 20.73 0.40 0.42 0.42 30.0 0.05
I 249.50 15 16.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2 0.02
O 0.10 2 0.05 −0.01 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
P ×  I 3,038.50 2,160 1.41 0.28 0.28 0.28 19.8 0.01
P ×  O 145.86 288 0.51 0.00 0.03 0.03 2.3 0.00
I ×  O 442.54 30 14.75 0.10 0.10 0.10 7.0 0.03
P ×  I ×  O 2,470.84 4,320 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 40.8 0.01
Total 2,108.32 6,959 100%


sum of squares
degrees of freedom
mean squares variance components (in %)
standard errors

Corrected components are calculated by applying Whimbey’s correction to the ANOVA estimates.


SE in the right column is related to the mixed effects presented in column 6.