Extended Data Figure 10. Class B GPCRs display similar active state conformations.
A-B; Alignment of the CGRP-CLR-RAMP1, sCT-CTR, ExP5-GLP-1R and GLP-1-GLP1R structures (aligned on the TM domains). Regions of divergence between CLR/CTR and GLP-1R are circled. In A, RAMP1 has been omitted for clarity. C; Position of the Gαs-Ras domain in the CTR (left), GLP-1R (GLP-1 bound; middle) and GLP-1R (ExP5 bound; right). The receptor TMs were aligned. Only the CLR (blue) and RAMP1 (orange) are displayed for clarity. D; The Gαs-Ras domain from each of the four structures, aligned according to the Gαs-Ras.