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. 2018 Sep 29;33(3):340–344. doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME18071

Table 1.

Properties of newly designed bacterial primers, which were designed by improving the original primer set of modified 63f and 1492r

Primer 5′-Sequence-3′ Tm value Coverage Size Position in E. coli References
Forward Primer
 modified 63f YRKGCYTWAYACATGCAAGTC 58–67°C 76.3% 21mer 43–63 Ikenaga and Sakai (13)
 KU63f GCYTWAYACATGCAAGTC 54–60°C 80.6% 18mer 46–63 This study
 KU64f GCYTWAYACATGCAAGTCG 57–62°C 80.0% 19mer 46–64 This study
 KU68f AYACATGCAAGTCGARCG 58–64°C 73.0% 18mer 51–68 This study

Reverse Primer
 1492r GGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT 57–60°C 81.2% 19mer 1510–1492 Ikenaga and Sakai (13)
 KU1494r GGYTACCTTGTTACGAC 55–58°C 81.7% 17mer 1510–1494 This study

Y=C or T; R=A or G; K=T or G; W=A or T