Rhythmicity of melatonin biosynthesis and melatonin-dependent processes was restored in congenic animals. A: Subjective day/subjective night difference of pineal gland melatonin content in the N3 animals. Pineal glands were collected at CT6 (subjective day) and CT20 or CT21-22 (subjective night) and melatonin assayed by HPLC. Each dot represents an individual animal; group means are represented by short lines. *** P = 8.40 × 10−5, ** P = 0.004 (day vs CT21-22) or P = 0.008 (CT20 vs CT21-22), 2-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test. B: Subjective day/subjective night difference of retinal dopamine release in CBA, B6 and B6 congenic animals. Eyeballs were collected at CT6 (subjective day) and CT18-20 (subjective night) in the dark. Contents of DA and DOPAC were measured with HPLC-ECD. DA release was represented by DOPAC/DA ratio. Data are mean ± S.E.M. * P = 0.0175, *** P = 6.95 × 10−5, n.s. not significant, 2-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test. n = 4 for CBA and B6, at each time point and 6 for B6 congenic animals, at each time point.