Figure 5.
Scaf Neurons Promote Feeding of Sucrose in Flies
(A and B) Effect of Scaf neuron activation on feeding. dTrpA1 expression was driven by R50H04-GAL4 to activate Scaf neurons for 1 hr by shifting the flies from 21°C to 31°C. Feeding was subsequently quantified in flies using the dye assay for 10 min at 31°C.
(A) Activation of Scaf neurons does not change post-starvation feeding upon 16 hr of starvation (n = 6–7).
(B) Activation of Scaf neurons results in increased feeding in sated flies (n = 4–7).
(C and D) Effect of Scaf neuron silencing on feeding. Scaf neurons were silenced by de-repressing tub-GAL80ts at 31°C for 48 hr, resulting in the expression of TNT driven by R50H04-GAL4.
(C) Silencing Scaf neurons does not inhibit starvation-induced feeding in flies. Flies were starved for 16 hr at 25°C, and feeding was quantified using a dye assay for 15 min at 25°C (n = 5).
(D) Silencing Scaf neurons does not show measurable difference in feeding in sated flies. The flies were recovered at 25°C, and feeding was quantified using the dye assay for 30 min at 25°C (n = 5–7).
(E) Silencing of Scaf neurons results in decreased starvation resistance in adult flies. Scaf neurons were silenced by de-repressing tub-GAL80ts by transferring the flies to 31°C for 48 hr, resulting in the expression of TNT driven by R50H04-GAL4. The flies were then transferred to starvation medium at 25°C, and lethality was calculated by counting the number of dead flies at different intervals (n = 4–6).
(F) Silencing of Scaf neurons results in decreased feeding over longer periods. Scaf neurons were silenced by de-repressing tub-GAL80ts by transferring the flies to 31°C for 48 hr, resulting in the expression of TNT driven by R50H04-GAL4. Feeding was quantified at 25°C over a 24-hr period using the CAFÉ assay (n = 7).
(B, E, and F) ∗p ≤ 0.05, ∗∗p ≤ 0.01, ∗∗∗p ≤ 0.001, ∗∗∗∗p ≤ 0.0001.
Whiskers in all box plots go from the minimum to the maximum value, while the box extends from 24th to 75th percentile. All values of individual groups of flies are shown as dots and the line in the box is plotted at the median. Line graphs represent the mean with error bars representing SEM. See also Figure S6.