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. 2018 Sep 25;9:412. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00412



We present the main sets of proteins under study, and their overlaps. The horizontal bars on the left correspond to the three larger categories: the METAB set, constituted of 470 proteins that are involved in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion; the drug target set (TARGET), composed of 1,930 proteins; and the set of 4,160 proteins associated to side effects (TOXPROT); the intersections among these categories are represented with the filled dots in the matrix. The TARGET set shares 1,021 proteins with the TOXPROT set and we refer to those drug targets associated toxicity as the TT set. The OT (only targets) set are the TARGET proteins that are not included in the TOXPROT set (913 proteins). The only TOXPROT proteins (OTP) set is composed by 3,139 TOXPROT proteins that are not in the TARGET set. In the figure, it corresponds to the two bars marked as OTP.