Table 1 |.
Stem cell differentiation | Replication | In vivo reprogramming |
Ex vivo reprogramming |
Xenografts | Human pancreas | |
Stage of development | Phase I/II clinical | Proof-of-concept with human islets |
Proof-of concept in animal models |
Proof-of-concept With human cells |
Proof-of-concept with pig cells |
Concept developmet in animal models |
Advantages | Unlimited supply, Standardized productin |
No transplantation necessary |
No transplantation necessary |
Relatively simple Production process |
Unlimitedsupply, lower cost |
Unlimited supply |
Tumour risk | Moderate (teratoma) | High | Unknown, potentially high |
Moderate | Low | Low |
Patient specificity | Possible with iPS cells | Yes | Yes | Possible with patient cells |
No | Possible with iPScells |
Issues | Complex production process |
Targeted delivery required |
Targeted delivery required |
Stability of cell product |
Targeted delivery required |
Feasibility unknown, ethical concerns |