Figure 13. Substrate binding sites of complex I.
(A) Under steady-state turnover conditions NADH (mesh, cryo-EM density) binds to the FMN cofactor and residues of the 51 kDa subunit; (B) ubiquinone binding site in the deactive state (mesh, cryo-EM density; 49 kDa subunit, green; PSST subunit, blue) and under steady-state turnover (C). The ubiquinone headgroup (purple) binds between the β1-β2 loop of the 49 kDa subunit and helix α2 of PSST. (D) This binding site overlaps with the position of the toxophore of decyl-quinazolineamine (orange) that was modelled based on anomalous diffraction of brominated inhibitor derivatives in the X-ray structure of Y. lipolytica complex I (Zickermann et al., 2015).