Fig. 1.
MARF1 domain structure, mutant alleles, and protein expression pattern. a Domain structures of full-length Drosophila MARF1, MARF1null, and MARF1RL1. b MARF1 Western blots of dissected oocytes/tissues from control w1118 flies, ovaries from MARF1null (=MARF1nlul/null) and MARF1null/+, and S2 cells. c Western blots of dissected oocytes and embryos from png missense homozygous mutant flies (png50/50 and png1058/1058) and their heterozygous control flies (png50/+ and png1058/+). No difference in PNG protein level were observed between homozygous mutant and heterozygous control flies. d Western blots of ovary lysates. Transgenic MARF1 protein, which was expressed from the transgene UASP-3xHA-MARF1 driven by the germline-specific MAT15Tub-Gal4 driver, showed a physiological level of expression