Figure 4.
Biopotential readings correlate with tumour stage and poor progression free survival. (a) Biopotential readings of all advanced ovarian cancer cases at Stage III (n = 18) and Stage IV (n = 18) shows that higher biopotential levels associate with late stage. The p-value was determined by Welch two Sample t-test (p = 0.0487). (b) Kaplan-Meier plot representing the biopotential association with PFS in ovarian cancer cases of all subtypes (n = 31). (c) Biopotential association with PFS in high grade serous ovarian cancer (n = 27). In both Kaplan-Meier analysis, the patients were dichotomised at median biopotential and formed the biopotential high group (red) and the biopotential low group (blue). Within the cohort of patients with biopotential below the median, it was a 2:1 ratio of patients with Stage III versus Stage IV EOC disease. The p-value was given by log-rank test. Additionally, hazard ratio (HR), 95% confidence interval and the corresponding p-value was given by Cox regression.