Cumulative Costs of Program Usage Over 37 Months for Each Housing Intervention Assignment Compared to Usual Care Condition (Stacked Bars).
Sources: Family Options Study cost data and program use data. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Public and Indian Housing Information Center, Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System, and Financial Data Schedule records.
Notes: “Housing choice vouchers +” assistance is housing choice vouchers plus site-specific programs offered to families assigned to LTRS group in Connecticut and Honolulu. Other long-term rent subsidies include permanent supportive housing, public housing, and project-based vouchers/Section 8 projects. Bars represent cost of all program use from random assignment to the month of the 37-month follow-up survey response for an average family in the assignment group within the pairwise comparison (in the 37-month respondent sample). Dollar figures are weighted for survey nonresponse to represent full comparison sample. Cost estimates assume a site-specific average cost per month based on the Family Options Study cost data and HUD administrative data. All costs measured in 2013 dollars.