Chronic exposure to HFSS results in significant elevation in
systolic blood pressure (p = 0.013) (a) but no
effect on heart rate (b). There was a complex interaction among
independent variables with respect to glucose homeostasis
measured ∼2 weeks prior to MRI assessment (c). HFSS animals were
significantly different than control diet animals at both
fasting and 30-min time points (*p < 0.01),
HFSS + Sham animals expressed significantly lower glucose at
10-min post-glucose administration
(#p < 0.03). There were no
differences for the remaining time points. X-axis time data
correspond to fasting glucose (overnight, 12 h), 10 -, 30- 60-
and 120-min post-50% D-glucose infusion (1 g/kg, i.p.). There
was no effect of diet on fasting insulin concentration (d).
Cont+Sham – Control diet + Sham surgery; Cont+MD – Control diet
+ Mediodorsal thalamic stroke; HFSS+Sham – High Fat, Salt, Sugar
diet + Sham surgery; HFSS+MD – High Fat, Salt, Sugar
diet + Mediodorsal thalamic stroke.