RT-PCR confirms the deletion and lack of expression of exons 1 and 2 in Cd320 KO mice but reveals a persistent but less abundant expression product from exons 4 and 5. The genomic Cd320 region in our KO mice is represented by a map with exons (filled rectangles), introns (black line), loxP sites (triangles), PgK-Neo (selection cassette), TGA (stop codon) and region deleted in the KO mouse (dashed line). The locations of two PCR primer sets (small black arrows) that amplify portions of exons 1 and 2 or exons 4 and 5 are shown. The exon 4–5 product is reduced in intensity in the KO tissues, indicating that residual RNA message is less abundant but present in the KO mice. Controls include the Gapdh housekeeping gene positive control, the no template RT-PCR (H2O) lane negative control and lanes with (+RT). The lanes without reverse transcriptase (−RT) did not amplify any bands.