Western blot analyses revealed multiple isoforms and IL-1β–induced changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein expression in eutopic endometriosis stromal cells (EESCs). A: Immunoblotting of EESC lysates with anti-BDNF antibodies revealed three prominent bands (32, 28, and 14 kDa), each of which was dramatically reduced when the antisera was preabsorbed with an excess of recombinant BDNF. B and C: Dose–response (B) and time–course (C) experiments indicate that BDNF precursors (32 kDa, 28 kDa) and processed (14 kDa) species were responsive to IL-1β treatment. In independent EESC experiments, normalized to β-actin as an internal constitutive control, IL-1β for 24 hours induced a 6.4-fold increase in BDNF. n = 3 independent EESC experiments.